Section: Research Program


Model checking is an automatic formal verification technique [30] . In order to apply the technique, users have to formally specify desired properties on an abstract model of the system under verification. Model checkers will check whether the abstract model satisfies the given properties. If model checkers are able to prove or disprove the properties on the abstract model, they report the result and terminate. In practice, however, abstract models can be extremely complicated, model checkers may not conclude with reasonable computational resources.

Compositional reasoning is a way to ameliorate the complexity in abstract models [54] . Compositional reasoning tries to prove global properties on abstract models by establishing local properties on their components. If local properties on components are easier to verify, compositional reasoning can improve the capacity of model checking by local reasoning. Experiences however suggest that local reasoning may not suffice to establish global properties. It is rare that a global property can be established without considering their interactions. In assume-guarantee reasoning, model checkers try to verify local properties under a contextual assumption of each component. If contextual assumptions faithfully capture interactions among components, model checkers can conclude the verification of global properties.

Finding contextual assumptions however is difficult and may require clairvoyance. Interestingly, a fully automated technique for computing contextual assumptions was proposed in [33] . The automated technique formalizes the contextual assumption generation problem as a learning problem. If properties and abstract models are formalized as finite automata, then a contextual assumption is nothing but an unknown finite automaton that characterizes the environment. Applying a learning algorithm for finite automata, the automated technique will generate contextual assumptions for assume-guarantee reasoning. Experimental results show that the automated technique can outperform a monolithic and explicit verification algorithm.

The success of the learning-based assume-guarantee reasoning is however not satisfactory. Most verification tools are using implicit algorithms. In fact, implicit representations such as Binary Decision Diagrams can improve the capacity of model checking algorithms in order of magnitude. Early learning-based techniques, on the other hand, are based on the L* learning algorithm using explicit representations. If a contextual assumption requires hundreds of states, the learning algorithm will take too much time to infer an assumption. Subsequently, early learning-based techniques cannot compete with monolithic implicit verification [32] .

We have proposed assume-guarantee reasoning with implicit learning [29] . Our idea is to adopt an implicit representation used in the learning-based framework. Instead of enumerating states of contextual assumptions explicitly, our new technique computes transition relations as an implicit representation of contextual assumptions. Using a learning algorithm for Boolean functions, the new technique can easily compute contextual assumptions with thousands of states. Our preliminary experimental results show that the implicit learning technique can outperform interpolation-based monolithic implicit model checking in several parametrized test cases such as synchronous bus arbiters and the MSI cache coherence protocol.

Learning Boolean functions can also be applied to loop invariant inference [40] , [41] . Suppose that a programmer annotates a loop with pre- and post-conditions. We would like to compute a loop invariant to verify that the annotated loop conforms to its specification. Finding loop invariants manually is very tedious. One makes a first guess and then iteratively refines the guess by examining the loop body. This process is in fact very similar to learning an unknown formula. Applying predicate abstraction and decision procedures, a learning algorithm for Boolean functions can infer loop invariants generated by a given set of atomic predicates. Preliminary experimental results show that the learning-based technique is effective for annotated loops extracted from source codes of Linux and SPEC2000 benchmarks.

Although implicit learning techniques have been developed for assume-guarantee reasoning and loop invariant inference successfully, challenges still remain. Currently, the learning algorithm is able to infer Boolean functions over tens of Boolean variables. Contextual assumptions over tens of Boolean variables are not enough. Ideally, one would like to have contextual assumptions over hundreds (even thousands) of Boolean variables. On the other hand, it is known that learning arbitrary Boolean functions is infeasible. The scalability of implicit learning techniques cannot be improved satisfactorily by tuning the learning algorithm alone. Combining implicit learning with abstraction will be essential to improve its scalability.

Our second challenge is to extend learning-based techniques to other computation models. In addition to finite automata, probabilistic automata and timed automata are also widely used to specify abstract models. Their verification problems are much more difficult than those for finite automata. Compositional reasoning thus can improve the capacity of model checkers more significantly. The L* algorithm has been applied in assume-guarantee reasoning for probabilistic automata [35] . The new technique is unfortunately incomplete. Developing a complete learning-based assume-guarantee reasoning technique for probabilistic automata and timed automata will be very useful to their verification.

Through predicate abstraction, learning Boolean functions can be very useful in program analysis. We have successfully applied algorithmic learning to infer both quantified and quantifier-free loop invariants for annotated loops. Applying algorithmic learning to static analysis or program testing will be our last challenge. In the context of program analysis, scalability of the learning algorithm is less of an issue. Formulas over tens of atomic predicates usually suffice to characterize relation among program variables. On the other hand, learning algorithms require oracles to answer queries or generate samples. Designing such oracles necessarily requires information extracted from program texts. How to extract information will be essential to applying algorithmic learning in static analysis or program testing.